How Writing for an Hour a Day Can Improve The Quality of your Life
How Writing for an Hour a Day Can Improve the Quality of your Life When most people think about developing a writing habit, they imagine having to spend countless hours in a quiet room isolated from the rest of the world. This keeps them from trying to develop a writing habit at all. But you…
Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear
SUMMARY Habits are the foundation of all behavior change. When we prioritize making tiny changes over an extended period, it can lead to remarkable results. RATING: 10/10 BUY IT ON AMAZON The Power of Atomic Habits It’s easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making a…
A Tolerance for Uncertainty is the Price of Admission for an Extraordinary Life
Whenever you set out to do what’s never been done before in the way you want to do it, you risk losing all sorts of things— time that could have been spent doing something else, money that could have been saved, prestige, status, income or the perception of security- Jonathan Fields For most people, uncertainty…
If You Want to Design Your Life, Start by Designing your Environment
A few nights ago I was teaching the first session of our Fearless Writer’s workshop. One of the common challenges people had was maintaining some semblance of consistency. It was the same problem I had before 2013. But once I understood the impact that environment has on behavior, and started to design my environments for…
Habits Are the Compound Interest of Self Improvement
People struggle to develop and maintain new habits because they make their efforts unsustainable. They work out like crazy for a few days (usually at the beginning of the year), and never go back to the gym. They try to meditate for 30 mins one day and don’t give it another shot until 10 days…
How Social Media Amplifies Our Need to Live up to Cultural Models of Perfection
We live in a world where everybody’s achievements are on public display. This parade of accomplishments amplifies our need to live up to a cultural model of perfection, leading to many toxic byproducts. Vanity Metrics and Status Anxiety For a platform like Facebook, the first measure of status was whether or not you’re in a…
Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists
If there’s one pattern I’ve come across in dozens of articles, books I’ve read, and the 100’s of people that I’ve interviewed, it’s that the most prolific, productive and successful ones don’t depend on to-do lists, they depend on a calendar. It’s a lesson I’ve learned over and over again in my own work. The…
How to Read 100 Books in a Year
If you’re an ambitious, goal-oriented person, it’s possible that one of your New Year’s resolutions was to read more books. Books are the gateway to imagination, to worlds we may not be able to access physically, but can emotionally. Books help us to expand what we’re capable of being and experiencing. Based on the math,…
Everything Truly Worth Doing Takes Longer Than You Expect
I have been a late bloomer in nearly every aspect of my life: I didn’t have my first girlfriend until I was 25 years old. I spent most of my early 20’s putzing around from job to job I spent most of my 30’s laying the foundation for my career as an author and…
Why Planning Your Day the Night Before Drastically Increases Your Productivity
What you do the day before matters just as much as what you do each morning. In fact, what you do the night before makes it much more likely that you’ll actually accomplish what you’re aiming to get done on any given day. The method you use doesn’t matter. I’m a believer that calendars are…