My Courses

  • A Lack of Clarity is the Biggest Inhibitor of Progress Towards Your Goals

    A Lack of Clarity is the Biggest Inhibitor of Progress Towards Your Goals

    Several years ago my team planned a 2-day event called the Instigator Experience. In the nine months leading up to the event, my life changed a lot. I found a mentor who played an instrumental role in helping me turn my business around, self-published a book that succeeded beyond my wildest expectations, and we rebranded…

  • Why Your Brain is a Terrible Place to Store Information

    Why Your Brain is a Terrible Place to Store Information

    Why do we use calendars and to do lists? Why do people like me say you should always carry a notebook? Why do we use planners, organizers, and tools like Trello, Evernote, and Basecamp? The answer to all of these questions is one basic idea: The brain is a terrible place to store information. When…

  • The Habits and Mindset Required to Write a Book

    The Habits and Mindset Required to Write a Book

    I have ADD. I spent most of my 20’s flitting from one business idea to another. Despite this appalling track record and a condition I could use as a convenient excuse, I’ve managed to turn things around. Since 2013, I’ve written 100’s of articles, millions of words, two self-published books, and two traditionally published books.…

  • Focus on Your Behavior and Let go of Outcomes

    Focus on Your Behavior and Let go of Outcomes

    There are few things in life that make a person as miserable and ineffective as attempting to control that which is inherently uncontrollable. Many people set goals, particularly at this time of year,  but don’t focus on the behavior that leads to achieving those goals. You have far more control over your behavior than any…

  • Remember and Apply What You Read: A Quick and Effective  Guide

    Remember and Apply What You Read: A Quick and Effective Guide

    Chances are you’ve read dozens of articles on the internet this week. Maybe you’ve even finished reading book or two. You may have even underlined or highlighted a few passages in what you’ve read. A few days later you can’t even remember what you read or where. And this continues the vicious cycle of excessive consumption.…

  • Manage Your Attention to Master your Time and Focus

    Manage Your Attention to Master your Time and Focus

    A key habit I’ve noticed in successful people repeatedly, is that they are ruthless in managing what they pay attention to. Sources of distraction today are plentiful and with everything becoming digitized, are only exponentially increasing. I’m sorry to be crass, but your mind is like an egg, ripe for fertilization and every ping, push notification,…

  • Compass

    Because you can’t blaze your own trail following in someone else’s footsteps.

  • This is the Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have

    This is the Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have

    The most important relationship and the one that will have the most significant impact on you is the one you have with yourself. All of the following a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. Your relationships with others Response to circumstances and situations, Ability to face rejection and adversity If this relationship is…

  • 39 Observations of a Life That Hasn’t Gone According to Plan

    39 Observations of a Life That Hasn’t Gone According to Plan

    You have multiple possible futures- each of which could be equally incredible. Imagine ten thousand Soul Mates. Nine hundred once in a lifetime opportunities. Three hundred and forty winning lottery tickets. Infinite big breaks. Meditate on multiple pleasurable outcomes and you will lose your grip on things being exactly how you think you need them…
